
2023 - the big paintings at the ENIA exhibition


Paintings exhibited at ENIA, 171 x 171 cm, or 171 x 85 cm. The most recent were painted in 2022 - 2023.

See exhibition photos

47- 2022 - painting 414 - Two polyhedra by Dürer - 85 x 171 cm

47- 2022 - painting 414 - Two polyhedra by Dürer - 85 x 171 cm

acrylic on canvas

private collection

39 - 2023 - painting 488 - Dürer's large volume_171x171 cm

39 - 2023 - painting 488 - Dürer's large volume_171x171 cm

acrylic on canvas

40 - 2023 - canvas-487 - two skies - 171 x 171cm

40 - 2023 - canvas-487 - two skies - 171 x 171cm

acrylic on canvas

41 - 2023 - canvas 486 - skyscrapers - 171 x 171 cm

41 - 2023 - canvas 486 - skyscrapers - 171 x 171 cm

acrylic on canvas

42 - painting 434 - Self-portraits, shadows and reflections, the sun on the horizon - 171 x 171 cm

42 - painting 434 - Self-portraits, shadows and reflections, the sun on the horizon - 171 x 171 cm

acrylic on canvas

43 - 2005 - painting 375  -  passers-by, Tokyo - acrylic on canvas - 171 x 171 cm -

43 - 2005 - painting 375 - passers-by, Tokyo - acrylic on canvas - 171 x 171 cm -

acrylic on canvas

private collection

44 - 2001 - painting 357 - passante, Montréal - 171 x 171 cm

44 - 2001 - painting 357 - passante, Montréal - 171 x 171 cm

acrylic on canvas

45 - 2004 - painting 374 - passante, Lille - acrylic on canvas - 171 x 171 cm

45 - 2004 - painting 374 - passante, Lille - acrylic on canvas - 171 x 171 cm

acrylic on canvas